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山水 名家 弭金冬 艺术品扫码支付系统
    弭金冬,著名女画家。一九三七年生于山东省济南市,一九六三年毕业于山东艺术专科学校美术系。现为国家高级美术师,山东女书画家协会副主席,山东文博书画家协会副会长,国家高级美术师,山东画院高级画师,山东省美术家协会会员。出身书香门第,自幼受其父齐鲁名家弭菊田先生悉心教导专攻山水。长期以来,不求闻达,潜心笔耕,每有新作问世,皆能体现出新的追求和探索。其画笔墨凝重,色彩苍润、雅气冲和、富有诗意。作品曾多次参加全国及省市美展。二000年三月应日本《日中水墨画交流协会》之邀,赴东京、福岗川崎町举办画展和学术交流,颇得日本同行好评。作品《泰岱松云》、《松涛飞瀑》等分别被中南海及山东省美术馆、陕西省美术馆收藏。山水作品和传略被辑入《当代中国书画名人图录》,《中国当代美术家名人录》、《中国当代文艺名人辞典》、《齐鲁览胜》、《齐鲁山水》等辞书。    润格:1000元/平方尺 Mi jindong,a famous woman painter born 1937 in Jinan City,Shandong Province,graduated from the Department of fine Arts of the Shandong Specialized Art Academy in 1963.She is now a vice chairperson of the Shandong Association of women calligraphers and Painters Institute under the Shandong Association for Literature and Art,senior of the Shandong Provincial Academy of Painting,and member of the Shandong Artists’Association.  Born into a literary family,Mi was influenced and instructed by her father Mi Jutian,a famous painter,during her childhood.In the past years,she has committed herself  to landscape painting and constantly made breakthroughs in painting.Her paintings feature thick ink,imposing colors,and poetic flavor.Many of her works have been displayed at national,provincial,and municipal art exhibitions.In March 2000,at the invitation of the Japan—China Exchange Association for Ink and Wash Painting,Mi visited Tokyo and Fukuoka’S Kawasakicho for art exhibitions and academic exchange,winning high praises from Japanese artists. Her Pines on Mount Taishan and Pines and Waterfalls have been collected respectively by Zhongnanhai and the Shaanxi Provincial Art Oallery.Her landscape paintings and biography have been included in Contemporary Chinese Celebrities of Calligraphy and Painting,Who’s Who in Contemporary Chinese FineArts Circle,Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Celebrities of Literature and Art,Scenery Around Shandong,and Landscape Paintings by Shandong Painters.    